Tuesday, May 27, 2008

10 reasons for web standards

Here are ten reasons to develop with web standards:

  1. The learning curve of old school methods is steeper than it is when standards are embraced.

  2. It takes less time to do more work when using standards.

  3. It is easier to re-use standards-compliant code, allowing developers to build portable libraries of tools.

  4. Standards-friendly documents can be repurposed with ease.

  5. Site maintenance is made easier with streamlined code, reducing costs and increasing time available for content.

  6. The bandwith needed for a standards-based page is significantly less. More like a toeprint than a footprint.

  7. Using web standards enhances accessibility, leading to more consumers.

  8. Developing with standards creates site longevity, due to greater compatibility with future user agents.

  9. It is much easier to create cross-browser solutions by embracing web standards.

  10. Standards-based sites are more optimized for search engines, leading to increased traffic.

Basically, web standards save time and money. They make the job of the developer easier, with increased productivity and efficiency. Best of all, using web standards can make a developer look good for a client. "It's only going to take 2 minutes to change the font of all my pages? That's really cool!"

Source: http://jessey.net

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